
首頁 > 語文基礎 > 課文 > 如何在閱讀理解找出文章中心思想


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四級閱讀測試一般包括4篇文章的閱讀,每篇後有5道選擇題,四級考試閱讀理解技巧 ---怎樣準確找出文章的中心思想(一)。這些的類型多種多樣,但歸納起來大致可分爲二大類,即全域型問題(Global Question)和局域型問題(Local Question ). Local Question一般涉及三方面內容:Subject Matter, Attitude/Tone;Local Question 涉及:Supporting Details,Inference,Vocabulary.以下,我們將針對四級考試的'特點、出題範疇、出題方式等,根據這些問題在考試出題中的大致排列順序,進行有步驟、有計劃的分項應試技能訓練。


關於主題思想問題(Subject Matter)

Subject Matter(SM中心思想)是作者在文章中要表達的的主要內容,是貫穿全文的核心。作者在文章中努力通過各種Supporting Details來闡明中心議題。因此,把握主要思想對於全文理解具有重要意義。熟悉四級測試的人都知道,這類問題常被列爲5題之首。然而,如何找出主題常使考生倍感棘手。因爲他們總希望通過某個詞或某句話就能找到答案,而找主題往往需要通讀全文後才能作出判斷。


根據內容的不同,這類問題可分爲主題型、標題型和目的型 。主題型一目瞭然就是找中心(Main Idea);標題型是爲文章選擇標題(Title);目的型就是推斷作者的寫作意圖(Purpose).這類題常見的命題方式有:

(1) What is the main idea (subject) of this passage ?

(2) What does this passage mainly (primarily)concerned ?

(3) The main theme of this passage is ___________.

(4) The main point of the passage is__________.

(5) Which of the following is the best title for the passage ?

(6) The title that best expresses the theme of the passage is ___________.

(7) On which of the following subject would the passage most likely be found in a textbook ?

(8) The purpose of the writer in writing this passage _________.

(9) Which of the following best describes the passage as a whole ?

1. 關於主題型

Example 1:

Oceanography has been defined as "The application of all sciences to the study of the sea "。Before the nineteenth century ,scientists with an interest in the sea were few and far between ainly Newton considered some theoretical aspects of it in his writings ,but he was reluctant to go to sea to further his work .

For most people the sea was remote , and with the exception of early intercontinental travelers or others , who earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it ,let alone to what lay beneath the sur