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(課上例句:Seeing the photos, he couldn’t help laughing. Seen from the plane, the hill looks small.) 給學生布置相應的練習。如:“她同他講完話後,他離開了。”部分學生的作業如下:

“She talked to him, then he left.”

“After talking to him ,he left.”

這時老師就應啓發學生提出假設,仔細分析找出正確作法。“she” is the subject in the participle clause, but “he” is the subject of the main clause. This is incorrect. What should it be changed to? Add or remove some words if necessary. 在第二天的作業中當看到這樣的句子時:

“After talking to him, she watched him leave.”

“After talking to her, he left。”你就知道他們動腦筋了。


教師評語本身也是對語言的運用和學習。在評語中對症下藥,變相重複學生易出錯的句子即可婉轉指出錯誤又可使學生加深理解。如講授連詞的用法“Using compound sentences makes your writing more fluid and interesting. They contain two independent clauses joined by a conjunction, e.g. and, but, or.”課上也相應地設置這樣的練習:

“It was crowded, ___we were able to see him.(but)”

“She is a top student. She is a talented musician. (and)”

“Do your homework on time. You will fall behind in the course. (or )”


“It was crowded, but we were able to see him.(but)”

“She is a top student and a talented musician. (and)”

“Do your homework on time,or you will fall behind in the course. (or )”


“Though he doesn’t have much money, but his heart is full of love.”

如果這種情況發生在以往,我也許會把“though”或“but”標註出來。這樣寫道:“Each two- clause sentence can only have one conjunction, right?”但如今我嘗試這樣的做法:

“Jerry, you always do well in English, but you are a little careless this time.”

“Though there is one mistake in your sentence, I like your handwriting very much.”




“Are you sure you understand the meaning reflected from the picture?” “ Can you describe it in another way?”

“It seems that something is left out after the verb“drop” you look it in your dictionary?”

“I’m confused with the person you referred to in your first paragraph, would you tell me the reason why you used the third person here?”

學生帶着這些疑問回去修改作文,有的放矢。第二遍面批時在肯定學生的同時(You’ve done much better now than you did last time.)主要對作文進行潤色並找出細微不妥之處,和學生一起探討交流。


對學生的啓發需要一個循序漸進的過程。“點撥型”評語要因人而異,針對不同學生的作業,啓發的程度不同,提出的要求也不同,但目的是一致的。那就是培養學生獨立解決問題的能力。讓優等生更進一步,中等生揚長避短,暫時基礎差的同學克服學英語的障礙和恐懼。如:針對優等生的作業提出更高的要求。“Your work is quite good. Better start your sentence with adverbials. It’s important to be creative in writing. Try to use as many expressions as you can in the writing er not repeat the same expressions .”對程度中等的學生要多叮囑。例如:“Your work will be better, if you pay more attention to the orders of the words in your writing. The tense used is not appropriate.”對基礎差的學生要耐心引導,點撥要逐步深入,最好中英文評語同時使用。如:“Without subject ,this sentence is difficult to understand. If you write something that happened in the past, which tense should be used? Can you tell me the difference between “success”and“succeed”. Pay attention to your handwriting and pronunciation. Nothing is impossible as long as you work hard. Don’t lose heart .”(缺少主語,很難理解這個句子。如果你描述過去發生的事情,該用什麼時態?能告訴我“success” 和“succeed”的區別麼?注意你的書寫和拼寫。只要你努力沒有什麼不可以的。不要失去信心。

“評價的目的不是爲了檢查,甄別和選拔,而是在於通過評價促使被評價者改進,促進其發展。”(朱慕菊,2002) 在英語作業評語中“點撥型”的運用能對學生的學習方法,解題思路等進行啓發和引導。啓發學生重新思考進行發散思維,激活了大腦,尋求更多更好的作答。




王 青:《巧用激勵性評語,培養學生寫作能力》 ,中小學外語教學,2007
