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高一的英語作文 篇1

This year's New Year's eve, in the uncle's new house. Have to say that this house is really nice. Exquisite furniture, fancy lantern, gently beautiful wallpaper... Let a person find everything new and fresh, full of praise. Began to eat dinner. At the dining table, delicacies, everything; In the living room, a toast to celebrate, laughter, happy... At this moment, when I recall grandfather told me:

In the past, a dozen people crowded in the same eaves, room was damp and gloomy; Go out even five cents are reluctant to take the train; Family reunion dinner if there is a piece of fat can be happy... And now, each has two or three sets of house, bought a suite also cover mansions; Bought the car also want to in high-grade car; You allocate sought-after drink hot...

Just thinking, the fireworks fireworks I woke with a start. See the good in the night sky is all have fireworks with brightness. Fireworks bloomed, the inconspicuous city into a "city that never sleeps". This is a symbol of the arrival of the New Year, is a symbol of the new scene of socialist economy.

A New Year begins. We are cheering, wish happy New Year. Firecrackers in rang, open the fireworks. That the flowers of happiness in heaven, open on the floor, and also in people's minds open...





高一的英語作文 篇2

I am an ordinary girl. Learning in general, people also generally. But I have extraordinary thing, this kind of thing everyone has, but this kind of thing everyone is different, have such things -- friendship. I have two good friends, they callXXX, XXX. They are my good sister, they gave me a lot of happy and moved. They in my sad comfort me, when I am happy happy together with me. A lot of fun in our body.

高一的英語作文 篇3

Life is always exciting winter vacation in the winter vacation, I've learned a lot, seen a lot, also felt a great deal. However, the most so I was surprised that the home change is so fast. From black and white TV to color TV, from phone to phone, from the small, inadequate housing to the tall, luxurious villas ... ... home has undergone an enormous list goes on!

Changes in home really fast. Previously, the family house is very old, broken everywhere, and even some corner of the moss has grown, made a mold. Under heavy rain, the housing estate, take the ride for the next subtitle of the rain, so the house really good live. Now, the family room is very strong, and they have complete sets of equipment, these devices are advanced, and some do not even have over, high-rise buildings springing up along the road going up.

Changes in home really fast. Previously, hearing his mother say, when there is Shiji Li far from home and school to school are to go on foot a long time. There is a bike ride to school has been a very bad condition, but also a long time so in the past. If to a rainy day, the ground bumps and hollows, and go to school, the water was splashing mud all clothes, dirty. If the summer, a big back to school bags, clothing and certainly all wet, can squeeze water from it. And now, home has a new high-tech - car, this way, even if the long way again, it does not charge leg muscles, but also not worry about anything happening.

Changes in home really fast. Previously, clothes are always broken supplement and complement the Zaichuan. Now, each bought a set of clothes for Gesanchaiwu.

Changes in home really fast. Previously, hard to eat things that are their own species, and so mature and re-hired to eat. Now, people eat on the feast at the table.

Changes in home really fast, I believe that in the near future, we will use our hands to create a better, more advanced equipment, allow people to truly live a comfortable life. Let us for future efforts,hard bar!

寒假生活總是多采多姿 的,在寒假中,我學會了許多,看到了許多,也感受到了很多。但是,最讓我感到驚訝的是,家鄉的變化是如此之快。從黑白電視機到彩色電視機,從電話機到手機,從矮小、簡陋的房屋到高大、豪華的別墅……家鄉的變化真是舉不勝舉呀!






高一的英語作文 篇4

你登過泰山嗎 你在泰山頂上看過日出嗎

Have you ever put you on the top of the Taishan Taishan seeing the sunrise it


During the summer vacation, my mother took me to the mighty Taishan. When we boarded the Taishan peak, is already sunset sky. Taishan mountain is one of the world natural heritage, there are many famous people left a pen here. The most famous is the Du Fu "would be extremely Ling, list of small hills." evening, we live in the top of the hill.


The very next day early in the morning, my mother woke me from my sleep. At this time, the sky was suffused with white, and there are few stars gleamed. The tour guide told us, the heart is the brightest star of star. Now many people gather at sunrise cliff. The eastern horizon more red cloud, as the girl's face flushed red. We hold our breath, waiting, waiting. "Out! Out!" the sun exposed head, in our cheers, the sun from the horizon jumped out, shine, illuminate the whole earth.


Oh! Taishan sunrise is very beautiful! This will be my most memorable summer memories!

高一的英語作文 篇5

As time goes by,the importance of constructing a green campus is gradually executed in current society,not only for that the campus is the place which aimed at developing talents,but also for the campus is a symbol to a city.

The green campus not only refer to green environment,but also refer to a new idea about the ways of educating and managing the students,mainly letting them accept the knowledge and build up the spirit of loving nature and being responsible for the environment,also,letting them take an active part in the actions of protecting the environment and keep the idea of sustainable development in mind.

In order to construct the green campus,we should do from two t of all,we should make every effort to study hard,aimed at becoming the knowledgeable ones with high qualities as ndly,we should make ourselves more comprehensive,doing from the team-work spirit,the environmental consciousness and so des,we should be concerned about society,our motherland and the whole world,as well as learning to innovate and actively practice.




高一的英語作文 篇6

Summer has come, with its warm sunny days, making us thing of all sorts of nice things, such as holidays in the country, picnics and haymaking①parties. When Spring came, she found the earth cold and bare, but she soon changed all that, and by the time Summer arrives, the world is a very different place. It is a green world now, green leaves on the trees, green grass in the fields, green plants crowding in the hedges②, and flowers opening everywhere. The days are long and the nights are short, for the sun gets up early and goes to bed late in sunny June. It is one of the best and brightest months in the year. Birds sing from sunrise till long after sunset. As night falls, one after another the birds stop their singing, and after a few last sleepy sounds, put their heads under their wings to rest for an hour or two before beginning again. They do not all sleep, however. When other birds are silent, comes a soft cry, then, after a few moments, another, louder this time; and soon the nightingale③ pouring out his wonderful song. Not only at night does the nightingale sing. On almost every warm day in early June, the little brown bird sings away in the roads and woods, but, as all the other birds are also singing at the same time, we do not notice his voice so much. It is at night, when he has the field all to himself, that we hear the nightingale at his best.

【詞語解釋】 ①haymaking [hei?meikiR] n.製備乾草 ②hedge [hedN] n.(矮樹的)樹籬 ③nightingale [naitiRgeil] n.夜鶯 【寫作指要】 1)本文作者抓住 綠的世界 和 歌的晝夜 從視覺描寫到聽覺描寫給讀者描繪了一幅生機勃勃的夏日農村的美景。 2)第二段裏 green 一詞的多次重複使 綠的世界 深深留在人們的心裏。在第三、四、五段裏,作者把 歌聲 這一概念用不同的詞表達出來,如 sing , song , sounds , cry , pouring out , singing , voice 等,如此同義照應,使語義上下連貫,同時也加強和突出了 夜鶯歌唱 的主題。 3)本文作者使用了擬人(personification)手法,文章顯得格外生動:第二段Spring和Summer兩個詞首字母大寫,用 she 指代 Spring ;第三段中的 gets up 和 goes to bed , birds sing ;第四段中的 sleep , cry ;第五段中的 his voice , he 和 himself 都是擬人用法。 4)爲了使描寫生動優美,作者使用了分詞短語 making us think of ,獨產主格結構 green leaves on the trees flowers opening everywhere ,省略句法 then, after a few moments, another , louder this time ,以及傳神的短語 all to himself 和 at hisbest 等。

高一的英語作文 篇7

Summer Olympic Games in London is by far the highest number of host cities. Is also the history's first three cities hosting the Olympic Games for the first time: 1908 London Olympic Games; second time: the 1948 London Olympic Games; third time: the 20xx London Olympics.

In July 20xx they lost to Beijing, missed the 20xx Summer Olympics. However, they soon recovered from the shadow of defeat came, confidently announced to the 20xx Olympic Games bid. In the five candidate cities, they are considered the largest popular cities.

After waiting a period of nearly suffocated people, after a 13-year-old ethnic Chinese Singaporean girls to put the outcome of the letter handed over to Roger. Rogge thanked the host, the people of Singapore, after the application of national and five candidate cities, to the world loudly announced: the 30th Summer Olympic Games are in London.