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作者的觀點或態度題主要考查考生能否正確理解作者的寫作意圖、所持的觀點及闡述文章主題時的語氣或對他所論述的對象的態度,考研閱讀理解Part A命題規律與答題技巧(五)。回答這類問題,考生務必細心地注意作者在描述事實和表達觀點時所使用的詞彙。作者往往要用一些帶有個人感情色彩或褒貶之分的詞彙來表明自己的態度。要正確判斷作者的觀點,必須把上下文聯繫起來看,文章中所述的內容並非都代表了作者的觀點。

這類題目用的關鍵提問詞或詞組有attitude, opinion, deem, show, according to the author, in the author's eye, disagree, feel, idea, impression等等。比如:

(1)The passage shows that the author is ____.

(2)The author's attitude towards s to be ____.

(3)According to the author,____.

(4)In the author's opinion/In the author's eyes/In the writer's opinion, ...

(5)The author thinks/believes/suggests/deems that____.

(6)How does the author feel about____.

(7)The author is most critical of____.

(8)What is the author's opinion/idea about ...?

(9)Which of the following will the author agree/disagree with?

(10)The author's attitude towards ... might be summarized as one of____.

(11)The tone of the passage can best be described as/is ____.

(12)What is the tone/mood of the passage?

(13)Which of the following can best describe the attitude of the author towards... ?


1) 涉及文章思想處常考:文章的中心思想、組織脈絡與作者的觀點和態度密切相關,要理解作者的觀點,需要通讀全文,分析作者的思路,把握文章脈絡,而後才能正確揣摩出作者的思想和態度。

2) 作者提出觀點處常考:議論文中作者思路一般是先提出觀點,而後給予論證和支持,最後得出與觀點相一致的結論。因此理解了作者的意圖和態度,就把握了作者的基本態度和中心思想。

3) 語義轉折和對比處常考:語義轉折和對比處往往是作者提出自己觀點的地方,是表明其基本思想,反映其觀點和態度的關鍵所在。

4) 複雜句和特殊句型或句式處常考:複雜句一般暗含作者的態度和觀點,特殊句型或句式提示讀者注意所說內容的重要性,該內容一般與作者觀點和態度有密切聯繫。



A 張冠李戴:別人的觀點與作者的觀點相混,兩個事物相混;

B 此類題型中的中性詞(如indifferent, ambivalent, neutral, humor, disinterested, impassive)一般均爲干擾項。由於近幾年文章都是反映與社會聯繫緊密、多爲人們所擔心的現象,故作者對這些社會現象持批評或支持態度的較多,考研英語《考研閱讀理解Part A命題規律與答題技巧(五)》。


A 態度推理判斷題,需注意行文中有無一定感情色彩的詞。這種題的答案一般多爲褒義詞。

B 如果問對行文中提到的人們的觀點態度,答案多爲肯定或否定,絕對不會是中性。

C 如文章開頭提出一種現象,加以論述,作者的觀點多爲支持。如開始是問句,答案往往是肯定的。

D 尤其注意行文中出現的claimed as, suppose, perceive as, considered as, ranked as 等詞,這些詞往往與作者的觀點態度相反。




The MBA, a 20th-century product, always has borne the mark of lowly commerce and greed on the tree-lined campuses ruled by purer disciplines such as philosophy and literature.

Q: According to Paragraph 2, the author's attitude towards business on campuses dominated by purer disciplines seems to be____.

[A]scornful [B]appreciative [C]envious [D]realistic

答案是[A]。文章第二段(上文)意即,在充滿書卷氣的綠樹成蔭的校園裏,MBA的商業氣息與貪婪顯得不那麼濃重了。文章談論的是對MBA價值的懷疑,因此不可能是[B] appreciative,[C]envious;而作者在第二段的描述帶有濃厚的個人感情色彩,因此也不是[D] realistic;最終得出作者的態度是不屑一顧的, [A]是正確答案。


Under these circumstances, the question of what future there is for the arts of reading is a real one. Ahead of us lie technical, psychic, and social transformations probably much more dramatic than those brought about by Gutenberg, the German inventor in printing. The Gutenberg revolution, as we now know it, took a long time; its effects are still being debated. The information revolution will touch every fact of composition, publication, distribution, and reading. No one in the book industry can say with any confidence what will happen to the book as we've known it.

Q: About the future of the arts of reading the author feels____.

[A]upset [B]uncertain [C]alarmed [D]pessimistic

答案是[B]。文章前面一直在說美國人的文化程度,尤其是中產階級的閱讀能力令人擔憂。文章最後一段(上文)最後一句No one in the book industry can say with any confidence what will happen to the book as we誺e known it. 表達了作者的feeling,意即沒有人對未來書籍會發生什麼變化抱有信心,也就是[B] uncertain不確定。


A 褒義詞有:positive, supporting, admiring, optimistic, praising, humorous, enthusiastic, pleasant, polite, interesting, sober, approving 等;

B 中性詞有:indifferent, neutral, impersonal, subjective, impassive, ambivalent, objective, informative, impartial, apathetic 等;

C 貶義詞有:disgusted, critical, depressed, disappointed, ironic, sarcastic, cynical, sentimental, negative, suspicious, tolerant, worried 等。