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Be superior to temptation

不受引誘The devil tempt christ, but it is christ who tempt the devil to tempt him.

魔鬼引誘了基督,但那是基督引誘了魔鬼去引誘他的。 The devil tempted Christ, but it was christ who tempted the devil to tempt him .

魔鬼引誘了基督,但那是基督引誘了魔鬼去引誘他的。 The serpent tempted Eve.

那蛇引誘夏娃。He was not interested in that materialist lure.

他對這種物質引誘不感興趣。It was not money that lured the adolescent husbandman to the cities, but the gay life.

把那個青年農民引誘到城市。nest egg

留窩蛋(引誘母雞繼續把蛋生在窩中用);[喻]引誘物;儲備金[物]Christ, man, with all your troubles, the idea of you eating out your heart because you've misled janice

基督啊,老弟,瞧你這麼煩惱,你還以爲自己引誘了傑妮絲而傷心透頂。It was not money that lured the adolescent husBandman to the cities, But the gay life.

把那個青年農民引誘到城市的東西不是金錢,而是那裏的歡樂生活。Put temptation in sb's way


v. 勸誘;引誘;誘惑

n. 吸引力;誘惑力;魅力;誘餌

He was not interested in that materialist lure.

他對這種物質引誘不感興趣。Gant succumbed to the lure of new land.

甘德也抵抗不住新地方的吸引力。 This is an attempt to lure businesses into impoverished areas.

這是一次把企業吸引到貧困地區的嘗試。And train them to our lure with subtle oath,

並用詭誓引誘她們上鉤, Life in big cities is a lure for many country boys.
