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recover (lost territory



參考例句:To get back;regain.

重獲收復;重新得到We resumed our occupation of the lost territory.

我們收復了失地。It is the immediate task of China to regain all our lost territories.

中國當前的任務是收復全部失地。The meeting is disrupted by Albanian irredentist.

會議被阿爾巴尼亞的領土收復主義者所中斷。It touched off a nationwide movement for the recovery of railway rights.

這在全國引起了收復鐵路修築權的運動。 The general resolved on an approach by night recapture the lost ground

司令員決定,夜晚之前進軍收復失去的陣地。But Magellan sent disguised raiding parties aboard the Victoria and the santiago and recaptured them

但麥哲倫派出便衣搜查“維多利亞號”和“聖地亞哥號”,並收復了它們。In February 1881, the Qing government recovered Ili, which had been forcibly occupied by Tsarist Russia for 11 years


v. 恢復健康,復原,全額收回,找回,贏回,重新控制

He recovered from a faint.

他從昏暈中甦醒過來。She has recovered from a fever.

她燒退病癒。He is recovering little by little.


adj. 迷路的;丟失的;喪失的.;錯過的

v. [lose] 的過去式和過去分詞形式

I'm lost as a light is lost in light.

我如同燈盞迷失在光明裏。The lost ring was never found.

遺失的戒指再也沒有找到。 The motion was lost by a majority of two.

動議以兩票之差被否決了。 territory是什麼意思:

n. 領土;地區;範圍;領域

This is a dependent territory.

這是片屬地。Ty. [territory]

領土,(推銷員的)推銷區域[ territorial behavior; strongly territorial birds.