
首頁 > 語文基礎 > 諺語 > He who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who bestows one should never remember it. 受惠不忘,

He who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who bestows one should never remember it. 受惠不忘,

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He who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who bestows one should never remember it. 受惠不忘, 諺語大全

He who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who bestows one should never remember it. 受惠不忘,


  • 1A Love I Will Never Forget
  • 2We Never Told Him He Couldn't Do It
  • 3It is a poor heart that never rejoices. 不知世間有樂者最可憐。 諺語大全
  • 4He who can suppress a moments anger may prevent a day of sorrow. 能忍一時氣,可免一日優。 諺語大全
  • 5He who avoids temptation avoids the sin. 避誘惑,免罪惡。 諺語大全
  • 6一些關於英文不錯的語句 she who has never loved, has never li 愛情語錄
  • 7He that walks with wise men should be wise. 與智者行即得其智。 諺語大全
  • 8He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. 講禮貌的得友情,好心腸的得感情。 諺語
  • 9關於愛情的英文語句 She who has never loved, has never lived 愛情語錄
  • 10Happy is he who owes nothing. 要想活得痛快,身上不能揹債。 諺語大全
  • 11He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung. 與惡人交往而講仁義,必受其害。 諺語大全
  • 12關於愛情的英文語句 She who has never loved, has never lived
  • 13Experience is a school from which one can never graduate. 經驗無止境。 諺語大全
  • 14He Builds a Snowman200字
  • 15who says 歌詞
  • 16He laughs best who laughs last. 誰笑在最後,誰笑得最好。 諺語大全
  • 17He who buys what he does not need will often need what he cannot buy. 平時隨便買,需時無錢買。 諺語大全
  • 18just do it
  • 19A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us. 一本好書,莫逆之交。 諺語大全
  • 20Handsome is he who does handsomely. 行爲漂亮纔算美。 諺語大全